
Our BOOST kids (and teachers) thoroughly enjoyed “Loopy for Reading.” Richard was highly entertaining and talented. The kids were mesmerized by his attempts to follow the directions and perform the tasks necessary to become a clown. I felt it was key for Richard to demonstrate that he needed to figure out exactly what the directions were instructing him to do and to have to try a trick several times. I heard a few, "You can do it! Don't give up!" from the audience. Important message to send to our kids! A rising 2nd grader said to me at bus dismissal, "I want to get a book to practice to be a clown!"

Carrie DeLeone

Primary Reading Teacher

Riverside Elementary, Elmira, NY

I was doing walk around magic at the 2022 Harbor Fest at Charlotte Beach in Rochester, NY when a man strode up fairly yelling at me, "You! I'll buy your lunch! Anything you want you can have it. My kid loved what you did! I own Steve and Al's food truck. We're parked right over there. You were great!"

"Are you Steve or Al?"

"I'm Steve, and I mean it!"

Our organization is always looking for fun ways to promote the joy of reading. Loopy for Reading was a perfect program to remind our young readers that books open doors to new ideas and great experiences! Richard’s humor, magic, and comedic stunts captured audiences at all 4 summer school sites.  He did a wonderful job of involving both children and adults in the show and developed a great rapport with all present.  I loved listening to the kids cheering him on and celebrating his successes! We’re hoping to bring him back to Elmira soon! 

Michelle Halperin

Family Reading Partnership of Chemung Valley